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Seit über 15 Jahren bin ich in der Forschung tätig. Dabei sind verschiedene Publikationen entstanden, dazu eine ganze Reihe von Präsentationen und Postern an Kongressen und Symposien.

Publikationen in peer-reviewed Zeitschriften [19]

  1. Luder Gere, Müller Mebes Christine, Haupt-Bertschy Bettina, Verra Martin L. Aeberli Daniel, Baeyens Jean-Pierre (2023) Krafttraining bei Frauen mit generalisierter Hypermobilität: Machbarkeit, Beschwerden und Effekte – eine pre-post Studie. Physioscience 19:86-94
  2. Sabrina Eggmann, Irina Irincheeva, Gere Luder, Martin L. Verra, André Moser, Caroline H. G. Bastiaenen, Stephan M. Jakob (2022) Cardiorespiratory response to early rehabilitation in critically ill adults: A secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One 2022 Feb 3;17(2):e0262779. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262779
  3. Gere Luder, Daniel Aeberli, Christine Müller Mebes, Bettina Haupt-Bertschy, Martin L. Verra, Jean-Pierre Baeyens (2022) Correlation of muscle and bone parameters, daily function and participation in women with generalized joint hypermobility: a descriptive evaluation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2022 Mar 1;22(1):15-26. www.ismni.org/jmni/pdf/87/jmni_22_015.pdf
  4. Gere Luder, Daniel Aeberli, Christine Müller Mebes, Bettina Haupt-Bertschy, Jean-Pierre Baeyens, Martin L. Verra (2021) Effect of Resistance Training on Muscle Properties and Function in Women with Generalized Joint Hypermobility: A Single-Blind Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 13:10, doi.org/10.1186/s13102-021-00238-8
  5. Isabelle Lehmann, Irène Thaler, Gere Luder, Ulrike Damm, Charlotte Wälti, Saskia Steinheimer, Martin L. Verra, Rene M Müri, Thomas Nyffeler, Tim Vanbellingen, Christian Philipp Kamm (2020) Standardized, comprehensive, hospital-based circuit training in people with multiple sclerosis (MS-FIT): results on feasibility, adherence and satisfaction of the training intervention. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine doi.org/10.23736/S1973-9087.20.06191-2
  6. Sabrina Eggmann, Gere Luder, Martin L. Verra, Irina Irincheeva, Caroline H.G. Bastiaenen, Stepahn M Jakob (2020) Functional ability and quality of life in critical illness survivors with intensive care unit acquired weakness: A secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One 15(3): e0229725 doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229725
  7. Joachim M. Schmidt Leuenberger, Beatrix Hoksch, Gere Luder, Ralph A. Schmid, Martin L. Verra, Patrick Dorn (2019). Early Assessment and Management of Dysphagia after Lung Resection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 108(4):1059-1064 doi.org/10.1016/j.athoracsur.2019.04.067
  8. Matthias Stettler, Gere Luder, Stefan Schmid, Christine Mueller Mebes, Ursula Stutz, Hans-Rudolf Ziswiler, Lorenz Radlinger (2018) Passive anterior tibial translation in women with and without joint hypermobility: an exploratory study. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 21(10), 1756-1762. doi.org/10.1111/1756-185X.12917
  9. Sabrina Eggmann, Martin L Verra, Gere Luder, Jukka Takala, Stepahn M Jakob (2018) Effects of early, combined endurance and resistance training in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: A randomised controlled trial. PloS one 13 (11), e0207428. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207428
  10. Christine Mueller Mebes, Gere Luder, Stefan Schmid, Matthias Stettler, Ursula Stutz, Hans-Rudolf Ziswiler, Lorenz Radlinger (2018) Symptoms in Daily Life and Activity Level of Women with and without Hypermobility. Rheumatology (Sunnyvale) 8: 241. doi.org/10.4172/2161-1149.1000241
  11. Mueller Mebes Christine, Luder Gere, Schmid Stefan, Stettler Matthias, Stutz Ursula, Ziswiler Hans-Rudolf, Radlinger Lorenz (2016) Aspects of Isometric Contractions and Static Balance in Women with Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Joint Hypermobility. Int J Phys Med Rehabil 4:4. doi.org/10.4172/2329-9096.1000347
  12. Eggmann Sabrina, Verra Martin L, Luder Gere, Takala Jukka, Jakob Stephan M (2016) Effects of early, combined endurance and resistance training in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 17:403. doi.org/10.1186/s13063-016-1533-8.
  13. Luder Gere, Schmid Stefan, Stettler Matthias, Mueller Mebes Christine, Stutz Ursula, Ziswiler Hans-Rudolf, Radlinger Lorenz (2015) Stair climbing – An insight and comparison between women with and without joint hypermobility: A descriptive study. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 25 (1):161-167. doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2014.07.005
  14. Stefan Schmid, Gere Luder, Christine Mueller Mebes, Matthias Stettler, Ursula Stutz, Hans-Rudolf Ziswiler, Lorenz Radlinger (2013) Neuromechanical gait adaptations in women with joint hypermobility — An exploratory study. Clinical Biomechanics 28: 1020-1025. doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2013.09.010
  15. Luder G, Bertschy B, Rocourt MHH, Deschner G, Radlinger L (2011) Funktionelle Defizite und Selbsteinschätzung der Leistungsfähigkeit nach chirurgischer Hüftluxation. Sportverletzung Sportschaden 25(4):201-7. doi.org/10.1055/s-0031-1299607
  16. Mebes C, Amstutz A, Luder G, Ziswiler HR, Stettler M, Villiger P, Radlinger L (2008) Isometric Rate of Force Development, Maximum Voluntary Contraction and Balance in Females With and Without Joint Hypermobility. Arthritis Care & Research 59:1665-69. doi.org/10.1002/art.24196
  17. Luder G, Baumann T, Jost C, Schmid S, Radlinger L (2007) Variabilität der Bodenreaktionskräfte von gesunden Personen beim Treppensteigen. Physioscience 3:181-187. doi.org/10.1055/s-2007-963629
  18. Alex Stacoff, Inès A. Kramers-de Quervain, Gerhard Luder, Renate List, Edgar Stüssi (2007) Ground reaction forces on stairs Part II: Knee implant patients versus normals. Gait Posture 26:48-58. doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2006.07.015
  19. Alex Stacoff, Christian Diezi, Gerhard Luder, Edgar Stüssi, Inès A. Kramers – de Quervain (2005) Ground Reaction Forces on Stairs: Effects of Stair Inclination and Age. Gait Posture 1:24-38. doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2003.11.003

Weitere Publikationen [15]

  1. Luder Gere (2021) Wenn die Beweglichkeit zum Problem wird – Physiotherapie bei generalisierter Hypermobilität. Rheuma Schweiz 3.2021:24-31.
  2. Luder Gere (2021) WCPT-Kongress: die Physiowelt zu Gast in der eigenen Praxis. Physioactive 3.2021:32-34.
  3. Luder Gere (2018) Fit in die Operation. Physiomagazin 2.2018:10-12.
  4. Luder Gere (2018) Wenn Beweglichkeit zum Problem wird – Hypermobilität aus Therapeutensicht. Physiopraxis 1.2018:24-25.
  5. Verra Martin L., Luder Gere, Trippolini Maurizio (2018) Forschung in der Rehabilitationsmedizin.Praxis 107(4): 209–213.
  6. Luder Gere (2016) Viel Wissen zu Muskeln und Kraft. Physioactive 6.2016:41-42.
  7. Luder Gere (2016) Kräftige Muskeln für einen leichten Alltag. Physiomagazin 1.2016:15-17.
  8. Haupt Bettina, Luder Gere (2016) Entlang der Referenz – Behandlung nach Schultergelenk-OP. Physiopraxis 2.2016:43-45.
  9. Trippolini Maurizio, Luder Gere, Maguire Claire, Verra Martin (2015) Clinical Research Forum: Bericht zur 9. Ausgabe 2014 und Ausblick zum 10-Jahres-Jubiläum am 7. November. Physioscience 2015;11:127-128.
  10. Luder Gere, Verra Martin, Winteler Balz (2015) Singapur 2015: Impressionen vom Weltkongress. Physioactive 4.2015:36-40.
  11. Bertschy Bettina, Gunti Annina, Luder Gere (2015) Schmerzen und passive Beweglichkeit nach Schulteroperationen. Physioactive 1.20151:24-28.
  12. Verra Martin, Trippolini Maurizio, Luder Gere, Baur Heiner (2014) 8. Clinical Research Forum am Institut für Physiotherapie des Universitätsspitals Bern. Physioscience 2014;10: 83–84..
  13. Verra Martin, Trippolini Maurizio, Luder Gere, Baur Heiner (2014) 8. Clinical Research Forum: Forschung in der ambulanten Physiotherapie. Physiopraxis 5.2014:
  14. Luder Gere (2014) Ausdauer – Schrittweise zu mehr Gesundheit / Gehen – älteste und einfachste Form der Bewegung. Physiomagazin 1.2014:10-12.
  15. Luder Gere (2012) Strichzeichnung, Webplattform oder Smartphonevideo: ein Überblick zu Heimprogrammen. Physioactive 5.2012:39-43.